6.6 FParsec.Reply

Represents the return value of a Parser function.

6.6.1 Interface

// FParsecCS.dll

namespace FParsec

type ReplyStatus = Ok         =  1
                 | Error      =  0
                 | FatalError = -1

type Reply<'TResult> = struct
  new: 'TResult -> Reply<'TResult>
  new: ReplyStatus * ErrorMessageList -> Reply<'TResult>
  new: ReplyStatus * 'TResult * ErrorMessageList -> Reply<'TResult>

  val mutable Status: ReplyStatus
  /// If Status <> Ok then the Result value is undefined and may be null.
  val mutable Result: 'TResult
  val mutable Error: ErrorMessageList

  override Equals: obj -> bool
  override GetHashCode: unit -> int
  interface System.IEquatable<Reply<'TResult>>

6.6.2 Remarks

The Reply type is the return type of Parser functions. Similar to a tuple, a Reply value can be viewed as a simple aggregate of its three fields Status, Result and Error.

The value of the Status field indicates whether the parser returning the reply succeeded (ReplyStatus.Ok) or failed (ReplyStatus.Error or ReplyStatus.FatalError). If the value of the Status field is Ok, the Result field contains a parser result value; otherwise, its value is undefined.

The Equals override ignores the Result value when it compares two Reply values with Status <> Ok.


The Reply fields are mutable because that allows us to implement library primitives with more compact code, for which the .NET JIT produces faster machine code.

Of course, if you object to mutable structs on religious grounds or if you’re not familiar with the somewhat subtle behaviour of mutable structs in certain sitations, you can always treat the Reply type as if it was immutable.

6.6.3 Members

new: 'TResult -> Reply<'TResult>

Constructs a Reply instance with the Status field set to Ok, the Result field set to the argument value and the Error field set to null.

new: ReplyStatus * ErrorMessageList -> Reply<'TResult>

Constructs a Reply instance with the Status and Error fields set to the respective argument values and the Result field initialized to Unchecked.defaultof<'TResult>.

This constructor is usually used for constructing an error reply, like in Reply(Error, expected "something").

new: ReplyStatus * 'TResult * ErrorMessageList -> Reply<'TResult>

Constructs a Reply instance with the Status, Result and Error fields set to the respective argument values.

val mutable Status: ReplyStatus

The Status field contains a ReplyStatus enum value indicating whether a parser succeeded (Ok) or failed (Error or FatalError). By returning a FatalError instead of an Error a parser can signal that no error recovery should be tried (except through backtracking mechanisms).

val mutable Result: 'TResult

If the value of the Status field is Ok, the Result field contains a parser result value; otherwise, its value is undefined and may be equal to Unchecked.defaultof<'TResult>. (The result value in a Reply returned by an unsuccessful parser is generally an implementation detail of the parser that you should not depend on.)

val mutable Error: ErrorMessageList

The Error field holds a list of error messages in the form of an ErrorMessageList value. An empty ErrorMessageList is represented as a null value.

The error messages returned by a parser in a Reply value implicitly refer to the state of the CharStream as it is when the parser returns. Since the ErrorMessage values stored in the ErrorMessageList do not themselves contain an error position, they can only be interpreted together with the position of the CharStream as it is when the parser returns.